هوانم هوانم

آخر الإضافات

جاري التحميل ...

ღϠ₡ღ LoVe At ThE F!RsT S!ghT ღϠ₡ღ

I Am All Yours…
My Eyes Are To Stare You…
My Heart Is To Beat For You…
My Mouth Is To Talk To You…
My Arms Are To Hold You Tight…
My Ears Are To Hear Your Sweet Voice…
My Legs Are To Go For A Walk With You…
My Shoulders Are To Put Your Head On… When You Need To…
My Everything Is Only Yours Baby…
I Am Only Yours… Forever

Have i told you yet how much you mean to me?
Have i told you yet about all happiness you bring?
Have i told you yet that you mean the world to me?
Just in case i haven't,I want you to know that...
You are the best thing that ever happened to me!!!!
I LOVE YOU ......


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